We’re buzzing about the start of the safe return of children’s activities. Participating in organised activities offers families many health and wellbeing benefits, whilst also supporting the social, emotional, physical and mental development of your child. We have all missed our favourite activities during lockdown. It’s only natural that you might feel a little nervous getting out and about, or a bit unsure of which activities might be best for your child at this time. To give you a little inspiration, we’ve put together some expert advice to give you some more information about why these activities are great for you and your child.


Benefits of attending a baby activity class

Now that we are out of lockdown and restrictions are beginning to ease you might be thinking of some new activities to do with your new baby.  If you have never been to a baby class before you might be wondering what to expect and how it will benefit your child. 

As we all know babies are very demanding and being able to get out of the house and meet other parents who are in just the same situation as you can do wonders to your mental wellbeing.  

Booking a set of classes with your baby means you have that little break in your day to get out and meet new people, many of which will most likely be going through the exact same fears, anxieties and concerns as you are and just sharing those makes you feel less overwhelmed and more reassured.

Attending a baby class is not only genuinely beneficial for your infant’s development but there are also many benefits for parents too.  We have put together a few reasons why you and your baby should try a class near you!

•    Meet other parents and share advice, fears & concerns

•    Socialise your baby with other children and adults

•    Teach your baby new skills to aid their development

•    Introduce your baby to new experiences which will impact their development


Meet new friends

Socialise your baby

Encourage motor skills and early speech and language skills

Bloom Baby Classes

Bloom Baby Classes are a multi award winning baby class franchise. 

Each activity aids development and focuses on strengthening the bond between parent and child.  Each activity promotes the natural development of babies from 0-14 months. 

Bloom Baby Classes were founded by Victoria Jennings, mum of 3, an early years trained professional who wanted to create a baby class that was warm and welcoming and supported new parents on their journey into parenthood.   Our highly researched classes are based upon the Early Years Foundation Stages of learning and promote post-natal mental health and wellbeing. 

With over 30 franchises across the UK find your nearest class here

To access FREE baby development classes visit our YOUTUBE channel



Bloom Baby Classes cannot wait to be returning back to socially distanced classes this Spring.  Class sizes will be reduced in order to social distance safely.  We will be operating a mask to mat policy and there will be no shared equipment.  Parents will have the opportunity to purchase their own kit bags to use in classes.  All our franchise network have risk assessed each venue and are fully trained, DBS checked and have carried out Covid safety training.



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