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Baby Signing


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Classes are very informal and consist of 1/2 hour of singing popular nursery rhymes and action songs with appropriate signs followed by 1/2 hour social time allowing the babies to interact and the adults to enjoy a drink, a biscuit and a chat!Signing helps babies to communicate before they can talk. This means they can tell you basic needs and feelings or what they can see and helps to diminish frustration on both sides - it certainly worked for me!TinyTalk classes are held throughout the UK and even in UAE and Australia!!

Other Info

BSL signs in our classes and our unique formula of learning a new language together

having lots of fun and even getting time to chat to other mums/dads and carers

creates a really positive experience for everyone.


Wednesdays (enquire about time)

Wednesdays 10-11am

How Old?

Newborn to 2 years

How Much?

Full term (12 weeks)- £60 Half term (6 weeks) - £30 Drop-in classes can be paid for each week at £6 per family per class


St Barnabas Parish Hall
23 Dulwich Village
SE21 7BT

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