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Baby and Child Development & Health Baby and Toddler Group Baby Signing Speech and Communication


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At The Signing Company, we teach basic BSL signs through our fun and engaging classes. We offer 3 “age-related” signing programmes for babies and children from 3mth to 4yrs. Details of programmes are as follows:

SIGNING BABIES – 5mths to 18mths
Our Signing Babies classes give you the opportunity to communicate and bond with your baby, through specially created songs, nursery rhymes, fun activities, and bubbles! We also have props including Signing Sam and Poppy Mouse! Each session is based on a theme, so you and the little ones can learn essential signs together

SIGNING TODDLERS – 18ths to 2yrs
As your child begins to develop speech and discover new words, Signing Toddlers explores and focuses on new key vocabulary to encourage their budding communication skills.
These Signing Toddlers classes give you the opportunity to expand on vocabulary through BSL signs using puppets, songs, fun activities, and bubbles. We cover listening and turn-taking skills, emotional vocabulary, and much more.

Signing Talkers classes broaden your child’s confidence, listening and communication skills in preparation for preschool or nursery.

My classes focus on phonics, story-telling language, emotional vocabulary, basic math language and more. Including our ever-popular songs with Signing Sam, new easy to follow songs and not forgetting bubbles!

Our programmes can be brought to any early years setting on a regular basis allowing staff and children to learn signing together! We have the flexibility to adapt our sessions to suit the age range within your setting.

Please speak to us to arrange a visit and taster session to your setting

Digital Resources

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Wednesdays at 11:00

Wednesdays at 14:00

How Old?

3 months to 4 years

How Much?

Sessions are 7.50 each. Payable every half term

Ample Parking
DBS Pass
Materials Provided
Pre-Book Sessions
Supporting Materials
Term Time Only
Weekdays only
Supports early years and school learning
Try something new
Develop life long skills
Socialise and make friends
Boost creative and imaginative thinking
Explore and learn
Plenty of giggles and fun


Roebuck Way
Milton Keynes
Milton Keynes

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Contact / Explore

Meet Nikki Jamieson

I am a mum to the gorgeous Harry, who is now 7 and a cheeky little monkey, Theo who is 2 1/2. Together with our whole family we are real sign language fans.

For the last 7 years I have been working with Deaf tutors learning how to sign and teaching my whole family. The opportunity to teach full time to lots of children has been a dream come true. We use sign language everyday and have great fun communicating with each other.

I have personally watched the huge advantages that signing with children brings. Harry could sign over 250 signs by the time he was 18 months old and could tell us everything he wanted and liked. It was amazing to communicate with him at this time and really helped through the frustration before speech starts

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