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Baby and Toddler Group


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Drama and Imaginative play for children aged 2yrs - 4yrs.

Our unique drama and imaginative play classes develop key skills such as concentration, co-operation and communication, and are lots of fun! Each week, children are taken on a different adventure where they meet new friends, sing, play, solve problems, and do lots of pretending.

Other Info

Free T-shirt when you sign up for the term!


Mondays at 10:15

Mondays 10.15am - 10.55am

How Old?

2 years to 4 years

How Much?

Three-Week trial cost £10. Classes thereafter £5 paid half termly.

Training Completed
DBS Pass
Party Services
Pre-Book Sessions
Term Time Only
Try something new
Socialise and make friends
Learn as a team
Get physical and active
Develop life long skills
Boost creative and imaginative thinking
Explore and learn
Plenty of giggles and fun
Grown ups can join in too
Supports early years and school learning


Burton Village Hall (Thorncliffe Room)
Northfield Lane
West Yorkshire

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Contact / Explore

Meet Aileen Rana

Hi, I’m Aileen! After completing my drama degree and Masters I began teaching in youth theatres and after school clubs. I was constantly amazed by the children’s brilliant imaginations and growing confidence. Once I had my own children and attended Pyjama Drama classes with them, I saw how wonderful drama and play was for their early development. They grew in confidence, made lots of new friends, and developed their language and communication skills. I can't wait to meet your little ones and help them experience the magic of Pyjama Drama!

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