TinyTalk South Somerset & West Wiltshire Baby Signing Classes


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Baby Signing


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TinyTalk Classes help families understand and experience the amazing benefits of baby signing. We teach families how to develop their babies' early speech, language and literacy skills. Signs are reinforced through familiar nursery rhymes, and action songs. A sensory activity aids dexterity, listening and speech. Each class includes half an hour social and support time with refreshments for parents and carers.
Classes are available on other days and locations. Please visit our website / Facebook page for more details of other classes.


Wednesdays at 11:00

School term times only

How Old?

Newborn to 18 months

How Much?

Classes are calculated at £5.00 per week, payable termly in advance.

Ample Parking
DBS Pass
Party Services
Pre-Book Sessions
Supporting Materials
Term Time Only
Develop life long skills
Socialise and make friends
Explore and learn
Plenty of giggles and fun
Grown ups can join in too
Supports early years and school learning


St Catharine's Parish Church Hall,
Park Road
BA11 1EU

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Contact / Explore

Meet Laura Goodwin

I started signing with my son Alexander, when he was 5 months old, rather by chance, friends had recommended a baby class with lots of singing and signing - I went along to find out more and we loved it! When I had my daughter Amelia, I wanted to do something with her, but there were no baby signing classes in this area, so I decided to start my own. Amelia is now such a chatterbox, and has benefited greatly from baby sign language. I really believe that she talked earlier as a result of learning sign language. I subsequently loved running my classes with Charlotte - I was so pleased when she did her first sign "milk" at 9 months whilst I was feeding her. She loved coming to class with me and really enjoyed all the songs especially the bouncy ones! Signing has really helped with her communication and reducing all those tantrums due not understanding!
Now my own children are all at school, I love passing on my knowledge to you and your little ones and seeing them develop and learn to communicate with you. I love seeing all those little faces engaged and happy during the classes.

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