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Swimming Sport and Fitness


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Turtle Tots is a unique child-centred baby and toddler swimming programme.
Each child is nurtured and activities are adapted to meet each individual’s needs. By the time you have reached the end of our baby programme we have taught you all the separate techniques and practices necessary for independent swimming. Our highly trained and skilled teachers ensure classes are fun and sociable for everyone, whilst teaching your child essential life-saving skills.

Not only are Turtle Tots teachers as qualified as they possibly can be through the Swimming Teachers’ Association, they are also trained to understand more about how babies communicate in the pre-verbal period, their early brain development, the importance of early attachment and how best to support babies’ learning in this crucial early part of life.

Every member of Turtle Tots staff holds a current DBS check, and has completed a Safeguarding Children, Young People & Vulnerable Adults course. And each Turtle Tots business is doubly insured because each teacher has personal liability insurance and the Turtle Tots business has public liability insurance.

Other Info

Discounts available for group bookings


Saturdays at 09:00

Sundays at 09:00

Saturday and Sunday Morning half hourly classes from 9am to 12.30pm

How Old?

Newborn to 4 years

How Much?

Please contact your local office or visit us online.

beecard Accepted
Ample Parking
DBS Pass
Pre-Book Sessions
Term Time Only
Grown ups can join in too
Develop life long skills
Socialise and make friends
Get physical and active
Plenty of giggles and fun


Langley Hall Primary Academy

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Contact / Explore

Meet Turtle Tots East Berks and South Bucks - Jodi O'Connor

My name’s Jodi. I’ve always had a passion for fitness and when my first son Rohan was born in 2006, I couldn’t wait to get him swimming! Having spent nine months in the womb, I couldn’t think of a more natural environment for him, and I also felt very strongly about him learning water safety skills from a young age. I joined some local baby swimming lessons when he was nearly three months old and we both loved the classes; he was so happy and content in the water and I was amazed at how quickly he progressed.

Whilst pregnant with my second son, Jed, I decided I wanted something more flexible than the corporate job I had been doing for 13 years. So I re-trained as a swimming teacher and have never looked back! I love teaching babies and toddlers to swim; there is nothing more rewarding than seeing a little one progress in the water.

When the opportunity arose to run my own Turtle Tots business I jumped at the opportunity to combine my passion for baby swimming with my business experience. I have a small team of teachers, and we all love our jobs!

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